
We are a movement of people committed to standing up for justice and taking action
for a future free of poverty. Changing the world starts here.

Join thousands of Australians who stand up and fight against inequality and injustice.

The Oxfam Community is made up of passionate local groups, teachers, school students, University groups and individuals taking campaigning actions and fundraising for a future free of poverty.

Oxfam believes in the power of people against poverty. You are central to creating change in the world and each year Oxfam empowers thousands of people in Australia and abroad to be change makers in their community.

Join a group, start a group, run an action at your university or in your community, lobby your local MP; whatever it is we’ve got staff who can support you with campaign information, resources, training and more.

Join the growing movement of Oxfam social justice campaigners in your state today!

Register to join or start a group today.